10 March 2013

Back in the saddle again


Brushing up on my Celtic manuscript lettering and anamorphic capitals. My penmanship is a bit to be desired, but  I think I am finally getting a feel for it.  I find myself copying down blessings. A William Blake quote that I am fond off is, "The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does." I am simply fond of it, not saying it applies to me.

1 comment:

walter adams said...

I'm reading a book;
"Mohammed and Charlemgne Revisited"
Which contends that the 'Dark Ages' did not begin with the fall of Rome, but with the invasion of Islam.
To illustrate the advanced state of art in the pre-islamic period, it refers to the Book of Kells andart historians judgement that the technical excellence of Kells and the Lindisfarne Gospels has never been equaled, and are;
"more sophisticated and refined than anything in Islamic art, in spite of the fact that calligraphy is the primary outlet of artistic expression in that religion."
Thats a pretty tall order.