13 November 2012

Cat costume bathtub drawing

This is a piece of the blossoming talent of our five year old foster daughter. It is simply, wonderful.

Ice art #2

Ice art, ala Andy Goldsworthy

Ice art, different perspective

Mr. Goldsworthy please see this as it is and not a poor attempt to copy you, more as a tribute.

09 August 2012

storm over wyanet

I have always been astounded by nature as storms roll in. The seamless light and dark that reveal a foreboding storm  approaching by their progression or withdrawal.  

roads and telephone poles #4

17 July 2012

inane scribblings #1

pen on notebook 5x8

inane scribblings #2

pen on notebook 5x8

inane scribblings #3

pen on a notebook 5x8

Through my feeling the fresh wind of whatever it is that draws the pen to my hand, it has begun again.

16 July 2012

Photo: the "Cell Phone" lot at Midway airport on S. Cicero in Chicago.

I seem to consistently be drawn to photographing paving and electrical lines. This proved to be a joyous moment when the two were harmoniously combined thanks to the most recent light summer rains.

tangible art

This is a sign frame and logo I designed and built for some really great friends and gardeners.

04 March 2012

sketch #12

a sketch that came from the calm that friends bring....8x5 old moleskine daily planner ink/watercolour

02 March 2012


Fleeting wings of clarity come,
In ravenous downdrafts of time
Raising screams of days stretched thinly.

Luminous vapors SNAP as life bridges
Span murky stagnating pools of real.
Ill flexed muscles seize with entropy
Light........turn ashen in a gaze

M. Adams 2006

20 January 2012

Inflight darkness

5x8 Pen and Ink w/ watercolor

he said and...

Another 5x8 Pen and ink w/ watercolor almost a transitional piece. Between organic forms and the only geometry I will ever grasp.

Untitled #39

This is another doodle from sometime ago. Pen and Ink w/ watercolor 8x5