06 September 2014

Friends and avid followers,
I am working on updating this site to reflect the work I am currently doing as well as future projects. I will begin posting current and forthcoming works and shows.
Thank you for your patronage.


30 July 2014

This is a recent jaunt into a traditional theme. watercolor and acrylic on handmade paper

15 July 2014

Friends and faithful viewers, and you occasional passers-by,
I now for the very first time have PRINTS of a few selected original pieces on sale at the great electronic market. ETSY.


So, If you've a hankering for some top quality merchandise at sell-out prices....

14 July 2014

Divine Feminine

.....posing......if Gods nature that most represents what we refer to as "feminine" were to be exemplified. What would it look like in say, icon form?
(Early sketch for a commission, since 2010"

"Fox and Stars"

Sharpie on card stock, mated.

Captain Fox

A generic rendition of a privateer from the late 1600's anthropomorphized.
Watercolor on rag paper 3x4

Comanche Fox

Based on an photograph of Quanah Parker.

30 June 2014

Barbies from the previous nights bath, drying.

 A little girls playthings, as she left them.

22 June 2014

I've always enjoyed Aesop's "the fox and the grapes"

4x8 watercolour, pen and ink on paper.

"What do you do with a drunken sailor?"

          Pen and ink watercolour, gouache. 4x8 on paper

09 June 2014

Show art

These are a few more samples of what I had at a previous show. These it seem are my most recent jaunt into the natural world and less into the abstract. 
Watercolour, pen and ink

Redwing blackbird

Northern cardinal

I've garnered a new found appreciation for avian life around us.
Mostly the songs, or calls that fill my day. These are my favorite, from the trill of the redwing to the tune of the robin, little joys.

Show Art

My latest work, pen and ink, watercolour and gouache
on wtrclr paper. Different variations, this is my favorite. A Sauk and Fox Indian.....

10 February 2014

Draft for an art piece that was requested for a " Vision Retreat" a few weekends ago.

It's begun to take on much broader implications for my life and that of our community. It has developed much quicker and more deeply than many works of late. Yet I find it difficult to proceed with alterations other than the basic design....(below is a possible avenue I'll pursue on a different piece.) Or maybe alter the original.......

"What shall I compare the Kingdom of Heaven to."

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This is an attempt to show the Luke 13:18 passage
through the lens of Christian community.
(work in progress)   22.5"x 24"