09 January 2013

There is something about the sunset and the effects of the fading light. The way in which my eyes adjust, by slowly resizing the pupil.  The way that I find landmarks by their contrast against the horizon. The way I inadvertently stumble into an object that a moment ago was discernible as ordinary, now in the dusk, takes the guise of the invisible or unfamiliar.
All of this on top of the fact that the constellations are easily visible by 5:30 p.m., and I am still orienting myself to this new anomaly.

Yet in the time. Those few fleeting minutes as the sun slips beyond. The shapes that manifest themselves are eerily extraordinary. The whole world turns into a silhouette world, a monochromatic puppet show, with dazzling backgrounds.  I am fond of this time of day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you, Matt.